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The best donation apps for Shopify in 2024

Written by
Adam Sturrock
Published on
June 20, 2024

Shopify, a popular eCommerce platform, is a hub for over 2 million active stores, capturing a significant portion of the online retail market. The platform caters to a wide range of merchants, from novices venturing into online business to established enterprises and well-known brands, offering a user-friendly interface for beginners and robust scalability for larger businesses.

Featuring a plethora of both free and paid templates, Shopify helps merchants save on development costs and provides access to specialized agencies and experts for various business needs, eliminating the need for an in-house team in many cases.

Amid the vast selection of over 7,000 Shopify apps, choosing the right donation apps for your Shopify store is crucial for enhancing business growth and streamlining operations. The choice of donation apps can significantly impact how a Shopify store is managed and expanded.

This guide is tailored for eCommerce store owners, from those starting out to established Shopify businesses, looking to optimize their online presence with the best donation apps available in 2024. These handpicked donation apps are not only beneficial for small businesses but also for medium and large Shopify stores seeking to stay ahead of the competition.

Let's explore the top donation apps recommended for Shopify in 2024!

#1 Shopify App Award

1. Sprout: Plant Trees Grow Sales

Sprout: Plant Trees Grow SalesSprout: Plant Trees Grow SalesSave time by using our embedded appSprout: Plant Trees Grow SalesSprout: Plant Trees Grow SalesSave time by using our embedded app

Free to install. Additional charges may apply.

Put your brand at the forefront of sustainable commerce with an app effortlessly integrating tree planting into your transactions. With each sale from your storefront, contribute to rejuvenating natural habitats, bolstering coral reef health, and combating climate change. This unique offering is not only impactful from an ecological perspective but also resonates deeply with eco-conscious customers, thus fostering a more meaningful connection between your brand and its clientele.

Additionally, the app extends the power of planting trees to a variety of actions such as customer reviews and email sign-ups, making your sustainability efforts visible and continuous. Whether your storefront specializes in physical or digital goods, the gift of greenery aids in building a brighter, more sustainable future. Fueled by donations to reputable global non-profits, this app truly encapsulates the principle of buying with a purpose: cultivating sales, whilst simultaneously cultivating the planet.

This is more than just an environmental play - it's a potential game-changer in defining your brand's identity and gaining an edge over the competition. Your customers are not just buying a product; they're participating in an initiative that makes a tangible, positive impact on the world. Now, isn't that an incredible value-add to any purchase?

Sprout: Plant Trees Grow Sales is developed and maintained by Goodapi.

Sprout: Plant Trees Grow Sales has an average rating of 5 out of 5 stars with 270 reviews from Shopify stores.

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#2 Shopify App Award

2. Shop for Good Donation App

Shop for Good Donation AppShop for Good Donation AppShop for Good allows you to run 7 different give-back campaignsShop for Good Donation AppShop for Good Donation AppShop for Good allows you to run 7 different give-back campaigns

Free plan available. Free trial available.

This remarkable app empowers your brand to resonate with the causes your customers care about, fostering deep-rooted loyalty, elevating lifetime value, and bolstering overall devotion of your customers. Its comprehensive suite of donation campaigns functions superbly across various platforms, sparking connections between your brand and your consumers, online and in-store.

The exceptional feature of this app is that it allows consistent charity support without the mandate of year-round sales percentage donations. This makes your cause-marketing efforts more flexible, appealing, and manageable.

Stay connected with your customer base by rallying behind prevalent nonprofits, benefitted by a comprehensive database of charities. Is the compliance and donation distribution process daunting you? Let this app shoulder the responsibility. It proficiently handles all complexities associated with co-venturing compliance and donation distribution, freeing you to focus on your core business and cause-marketing strategies.

In essence, this app elevates your brand's image, deepens customer relationships, and simplifies the charity support process - all while you stay in control of your donation dynamics.

Shop for Good Donation App is developed and maintained by DailyKarma.

Shop for Good Donation App has an average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars with 148 reviews from Shopify stores.

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#3 Shopify App Award

3. ShoppingGives โ€‘ Donation App

ShoppingGives โ€‘ Donation AppShoppingGives โ€‘ Donation App1-ShoppingGives - Product WidgetShoppingGives โ€‘ Donation AppShoppingGives โ€‘ Donation App1-ShoppingGives - Product Widget

Free to install. Additional charges may apply.

Forge a meaningful connexion with your customers by implementing a tailored social impact strategy, courtesy of this comprehensive donation management solution. Craft a strategy that aligns seamlessly with your brand ethos, all the while enhancing customer trust and loyalty. This all-encompassing tool brings a novel approach to eCommerce, DTC, and omnichannel brands aspiring to elevate their philanthropic reach.

Let go of the burdensome task of navigating the complexities of compliance and regulatory requirements, as this is handled expertly on your behalf. The ability to donate to any 501(c)3 Nonprofit is a key feature lending your brand a sense of credibility and compassion. Informative real-time reporting is at your disposal, leaving you free to channel your focus on scalable business growth.

Nurturing a brand-customer relationship goes beyond transactions. With this app, you have the golden opportunity to bolster your brand identity while simultaneously propelling your bottom line. The dual advantage of this unique tool lies in harmonizing your brand's social impact goals while keeping business growth consistent. This app empowers you to create a meaningful shopping experience that highly resonates with your customers and fosters a giving culture.

ShoppingGives โ€‘ Donation App is developed and maintained by ShoppingGives.

ShoppingGives โ€‘ Donation App has an average rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars with 112 reviews from Shopify stores.

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4. EcoCart: Carbon Neutral Orders

EcoCart: Carbon Neutral OrdersEcoCart: Carbon Neutral Orderscarbon neutral shipping and manufacturing option in cart pageEcoCart: Carbon Neutral OrdersEcoCart: Carbon Neutral Orderscarbon neutral shipping and manufacturing option in cart page

Free to install

Embrace sustainability in your digital marketplace with this unique app, helping to increase conversion rates by providing transparency around the environmental impact of each transaction. It not only enlightens your customers about their order's carbon footprint but also offers them effective steps to offset it, seamlessly integrating a green approach into their shopping experience.

This app's unique ability to leverage data from eco-conscious behaviors of shoppers can fuel your customer engagement strategies. You can echo back insights from their sustainable actions to propel further eco-friendly steps, reinforcing your brand's commitment to the environment while fostering deeper customer relationships and enhancing lifetime value.

Transform the way you engage with your customers by integrating ecological awareness into the buying process. This app cleverly intertwines sustainability and commerce, allowing you to pioneer a proactive approach against climate change while boosting your business. Turn your customers' shopping habit into a powerful tool for the planet.

EcoCart: Carbon Neutral Orders is developed and maintained by EcoCart.

EcoCart: Carbon Neutral Orders has an average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars with 154 reviews from Shopify stores.

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5. Virtue โ€‘ Charity Donations

EcoCart: Carbon Neutral OrdersVirtue โ€‘ Charity DonationsSelect Charities and Causes to align with your storeEcoCart: Carbon Neutral OrdersVirtue โ€‘ Charity DonationsSelect Charities and Causes to align with your store

Free to install. Additional charges may apply.

Unleash the power of giving with an app designed to seamlessly integrate charitable contributions with your online store. This unique platform provides a golden opportunity to align your brand with causes that matter, from Ocean rescue missions to mental health initiatives, and from CO2 offsetting to aiding Ukrainian refugees. Contribute to over 20,000 international and UK charities, with the addition of a custom selection functionality tailored to your preferences.

Turn traditional sales strategies on their head by deploying donations as either an alternative or complement to price discounting, thus incentivizing purchases in a manner that genuinely resonates with your customer base. The innovative post-purchase feature empowers your shoppers to join in the giving, establishing an interactive and impactful checkout experience.

Watch as your philanthropic footprint expands with the in-app tracking feature. Monitor the direct impact of your corporate social responsibility activities and communicate your contributions with your audience. The result? A strengthened brand, profitable sales figures, and a world made better by your storeโ€™s engagement.

Virtue โ€‘ Charity Donations is developed and maintained by Pledger Giving Ltd.

Virtue โ€‘ Charity Donations has an average rating of 5 out of 5 stars with 64 reviews from Shopify stores.

Get the app

We hope you found this guide on the top donation apps for Shopify useful.

Did we miss an app you think should be included in this guide, please let us know!

Top Shopify donation apps FAQ

Which donation apps do I need for my Shopify store?

Youโ€™ll want to take advantage of the many donation apps and integrations available to make your Shopify store the best it can be. Every donation app highlighted in this article can help take your Shopify store to the next level! With that said, if you can't find what you're looking for in this guide, we recommend checking our comprehensive list of every Shopify donation app!

What is the best donation app for Shopify?

The Shopify App Store is always adding new apps, but by analyzing merchant reviews, average ratings, estimated install counts, pricing and other signals we've identified that Sprout: Plant Trees Grow Sales is one of the top Shopify donation apps available for merchants in 2024.

With that said, itโ€™s not always the best idea to just go for the most popular app or our recommendations. Always look at how many Shopify stars the app has and what the reviews are saying about the app itself. Where possible, we highly recommend testing apps you are considering by leveraging free trials before commiting to any fixed monthly subscription costs.

Why do I need to install a Shopify donation app?

Whilst Shopify comes with a broad range of features and capabilities out of the box, many donation apps go above and beyond what Shopify can provide. Every store has unique requirements and a diverse range of apps are available to meet these needs.

How many donation apps are recommended for Shopify?

We recommend including atleast one donation app for your Shopify store if this type of app would be beneficial for your store. There are a lot of free options out there and some great donation apps that will help you run your business as smoothly as possible.

Can I build my own custom donation app for Shopify?

The short answer is yes ofcourse! Shopify provides a lot of great documentation to build donation apps.

The longer answer is that you should weigh up the upfront time, resources and costs of building a custom apps vs finding a donation app that handles the majority of your requirements for free or for a low monthly fee.

Ofcourse if you can't find a suitable donation Shopify app to meet your needs then it's definitely worth investigating what it would take to build the app of your dreams!


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